Photography only begins after the shooting

With a good camera, press the shutter release a few times and bang – the most beautiful pictures of all time are in the can. But it’s not that simple after all. For me, the shoot starts days in advance. Thoughts and plans for the process are then usually replaced the day or evening before by concrete preparation for the decoration and props. After all, everything should be perfect on the morning of the shoot. But when the shooting day is over, things really start for me.
I then sit down to look at the pictures and sort it out roughly. Depending on the shoot, this can be a few hundred pictures, sometimes even a thousand. These then have to be viewed by me first. Some are then sorted out in advance, e.g. if the focus is not exactly right. An unwanted expression on the baby’s face or other family members are also exclusion criteria. My customers then see the preselection so that they can make their selection of favorite photos.
Digital images also need to be developed
Compared to home and hobby photography, in the professional field of digital photography all photos are always saved in several formats, but above all in raw format. A number of memory cards are also written too at the same time, so that in the event of difficulties or image loss, at least an error-free image can be accessed. The advantage of the raw image data is the unique possibility to access and develop all light and color values. It’s like having the opportunity to take the picture over and over again until it is as coherent as you want or wish it to be.
And as you wish … Well, this is where the individual handwriting of each individual photographer begins. Excellent image material, i.e. great original photos, make it easier, of course, and ultimately lead to a great result. But now the artist’s handwriting comes into play. I develop the photos further and further, up to the finished “dream image”. Depending on the effort, several hours can be planned here. Often only a few images have been developed, but they can be breathtaking.